Patty started doing mission work over twenty years ago with Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International. This was the place and circumstance where she felt like she was doing what she had been created to do. When she and Ken met, she encouraged him to travel on these mission trips with her. He did this for several years. Ken and Patty eventually became the lead medical people who obtained supplies and basically oversaw the clinics when the teams were in Honduras. After one of these trips, Ken felt overwhelmingly that this was not what God had intended for him to do. He believed that they made a short-term interruption, but never a lasting impact on these communities of desperate poverty.
Ken and Patty discussed this at length. Ken, convicted that something had to change, and Patty, comfortable and happy with her once a year trip, prayed for God’s guidance in how He wanted them to continue. Very quickly, after these prayers began, a woman came into their clinic as a patient. As Patty was getting her chief complaint and vitals, she asked the lady where she came from. She had a very unique accent. The lady responded, “Kenya.” Patty immediately knew that God was working. She had always thought from the age of 12 that God had told her that she would work in Kenya as a missionary. She told the lady just that. The lady looked at her strangely and said, “I just spoke with my minister last week about holding a medical camp in Kenya, but we need a doctor.” Patty was quick to respond, “I have a doctor, you just have to let me go.” From that encounter, Patty and Ken traveled to Kenya with that lady’s church and held two medical camps. They became friends with a pastor in Kenya and made a promise to return when he had graduated seminary. They promised to hold a medical camp at his church. They tried in every way to get a team and travel with a group as they were accustomed. But God shut every door.
The promise weighed upon their consciences and they decided to travel to Kenya alone to visit this pastor and his congregation. During this trip, they saw Kenya and Kenyan life in a very different light from what they had seen in brief encounters in a medical camp. Their hearts felt burdened for the poverty and the need…especially for the children. Driving home from the airport upon their return, they came to a location where they could see their home, Patty felt almost sick. She told Ken that she couldn’t continue to live the life that they lived in the United States, knowing that these people were struggling to merely survive. That began the journey and the dream of opening an orphanage.
Eight years later, the mission owns 4 acres of land and has constructed an all-purpose building and two dormitories that were intended to become the orphanage they had envisioned. Through partnership with Water Missions International, a borehole was dug and clean drinking water is now available to the village of Withare in Laikipia County. During the time it took for this to be accomplished, Kenya had stopped registering orphanages. Other opportunities for the use of the site were discussed. After returning several times, it was soon discovered that Kenya, as well as many other African counties, had a big problem. It is the growing population of young un-married, single moms, unable to return to school and struggling to care for their infant babies. As the issues were discussed with the locals, it was learned that there was not one facility in the entire region to assist these vulnerable young girls. The vision was created! This would be a place where young girls who have given birth before completing their education would go with their babies and finish their education so that they can support their family. At the same time, the home would be a rescue center for girls who are in boarding school but have no safe environment in which to live when school is not in session. After prayer and discussion, all agreed that this was a good way to use the buildings. Our goal was set; let's teach Christian values and doctrine and hopefully, with God's grace, make a difference in the lives of these young women and their children. In August of 2022, 4 young girls arrived with their 4 infant babies. A Kenyan working staff were employed, including a manager, director, full time cook, social worker, a pastor and counselor, a nanny, a house mom, several farm workers, and two security guards. The team quickly came together, united and dedicated in service to the girls and their babies. As of July 2023, 22 months later, the center is now caring for 26 moms and 16 babies! Promise Springs Rescue Center is receiving weekly request for applicants from several surrounding counties. The center now cares for single moms and vulnerable young girls who live in threatening conditions. The center allows each girl to make wise decisions regarding their schooling and avoid unplanned pregnancies in the future. We give hope and teach a better way as we share our Christian beliefs with the girls. In January 2023 a new Early Childhood Development center was opened and presently provides daily care to the babies. In August 2023 a mission team of 7 Americans traveled to Kenya. They provided a 2-day medical camp, a 2-day VBS, a day of food distribution, and a day of home visitations. And so, the journey continues, Lord willing.
The year 2024 was again a very big year for Promise Springs. In January, a preacher named Rob traveled with us and conducted a 2-day seminar with the 44 local pastors. After receiving contributions from several members from our local home church we were able to purchase 2 vehicles, a 12-seat van for the transportation of the girls and a 4-wheel drive truck for the purchase of supplies and for our personal transportation when we and other missionaries are in Kenya.
This was an answer to many prayers.
In September of this year, we are returning with 2 members of our local home church for a "scouting trip" to determine if a larger group could return in 2025. We are quite excited about this trip and we will keep everyone informed upon our return.
Take the opportunity to travel with Two Burning Candles and witness this firsthand. You will be able to go into peoples’ homes to see the living conditions. You will be able to visit the girls and the babies and choose to become a part of their growth. It will change your view of the life you live in America and give you a new respect for the lives they live daily.
Our experience is that your experience at Promise Springs Rescue will as you run the race,
"strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed."
Hebrews 12:12-13

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