Our September Lakeside Baptist Church Scouting Trip Sep 21, 2024

We just want to share some of the highlights from our September trip to Kenya with Andrew Mee, the next generation pastor of Lakeside Baptist Church, North Myrtle Beach, SC and Ethan Childs, our...

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Back in Kenya!!!! Week 6 Aug 05, 2024

I started writing this blog on April 20th.   A lot of things have been going on here in the States and in Kenya and time just slipped by. 

This story starts with Palm Sunday.  What a...

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Back in Kenya!!!! Week 5 Apr 11, 2024

There has been a delay in your virtual mission trip!  Why?  Because we traveled back home.  So we are now in the U.S. catching up on all the work that came in while we were away....

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Back in Kenya!!!! Week 4 Mar 30, 2024

Let's get going into week 4 of your virtual mission!  

 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.  Psalm 82:3


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Back In Kenya!!! Week 3 Mar 21, 2024

Let's continue our trip into week three.  Each day holds something unique and different.  God definitely gives variety...and challenges and He's there every step of the way!    ...

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Back in Kenya!!! Week Two Mar 15, 2024

Here we go!  Travel with us virtually through week two on mission here in Kenya!  We start on Sunday morning!

February 25

Today Rob preached on 1 John at two different churches!...

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Back in Kenya!!! THE FIRST WEEK! Mar 07, 2024

Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains

                    are the feet of those who bring good news


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Going Forward Into the New Year 2024 Dec 31, 2023

Happy New Year!

As we say farewell to 2023, we do so with some sadness because it has been a good year.   God blessed Promise Springs Rescue Center in such beautiful ways.  But we do say...

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Merry Christmas from Promise Springs Rescue Center Dec 25, 2023

As your Christmas Day is coming to an end, your house is quieting down, and peace is settling after a day of family or a quiet day just celebrating Christmas in a simple way, we want to share a...

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#GivingTuesday - The Difference It Makes Nov 27, 2023

On the eve of Giving Tuesday, we realize the number of emails and requests you get from organizations both large and small.  We are sure that every organization has a story similar to the one...

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A Grandmother's Love Oct 25, 2023

Meet David Muruge

This photo was taken on August 14, 2023.  It was David's birthday.  It was also the day that his mother passed away after giving birth to him.  Seven Americans...

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August 2023 Kenya Mission Trip - The Final Episode Oct 18, 2023

Yes, it has taken us a while to share this final episode.  It takes a while to adjust to American ways after being in Kenya.  It takes a while to get over missing people you care for so...

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