A Thankful Mother and The Rest of the Story

Mar 01, 2023

We last shared about a girl who was being brought to Promise Springs Rescue Center after running away and being found by the police.  The first story we receive is usually not totally correct.  We would like to update you by sharing a report written by our Kenyan director:

Jane is a girl of 14 years.  She was rescued by the children's officer through the police and was brought to the center for a safe place and counseling.  This child was defiled at the age of 9.  When she was 13 she started running away from home.  She went to Nanyuki (This is a  town about 1 1/2 hours drive from the center.  It is a large town and home to the British Air Force Base.) When she arrived in this town, she went into a hotel to ask for water.  The lady who served her asked her where she was heading.  The girl replied that she had no place to go so the lady offered her a place to stay.  At night, she introduced the girl into prostitution.  When the police traced her, she was brought back home.  She went back to school but some of her teachers mistreated her and disliked her thinking that she would encourage other students to enter into prostitution.  Also, things were not easy for her at home.  She was rejected by her  immediate family and neighbors, except her mother.  Her mother has been following up on her whereabouts and encouraging her to go back to school.  The girl has also reported that she was being beaten by her brothers, sisters, and the police.  She doesn't feel accepted in her community and home and she regrets practicing prostitution.  When she first came to the center, she was very talkative.  She talked about "boyfriends" and preferred to be around the male workers which is against the center rules.  She was called to the office and reminded of the center's rules with a lot of love.  The center's pastor also spoke with her.  The director concludes that "reforming" this girl has been one of the best things that has ever happened at the center.  The home school has been found in a nearby town called Kirathimo Children's Home.  The owner of the school has given her a chance to study in her school but she has to pay school fees and buy all her personal belongings since she is not an orphan.  The children's department has said that the girl's mother is going to pay the required fees and they requested that Promise Springs Rescue Center supply her beddings and uniform for her to start school as soon as possible.  The mother has visited the center a couple of times while the girl was residing there.  She reports that she has a daughter with a heart condition and her husband left her because of the medical expenses of this sick daughter.  She is requesting the girl stay at the center for holidays.  

Now, the rest of the story.  This girl's mother is a casual laborer.  At best, she makes 250 shillings per day (the equivalent of $2.50) and this is not every day, only WHEN she can find work.  The likelihood of the mother being able to pay the school fees which equal to $335.00 for the next two terms are slim.  That is the bad news, but please pray that she can find work and manage her funds so that she can pay them.  It is better for the mother and the child if the mother can take a part in her support.  That is the bad news.

The good news is that our God, who is the Great Provider, laid it upon someone's heart to donate when they read about this girl the first time.  We have enough to pay for her bedding and clothes.  The girl was taken to this children's home yesterday and will start school while the owner waits for the mother to get the school fees. Also, if this child can make excellent marks on the Primary School Exam at the end of the year, the Children's Department will pay for her Secondary School fees (that is her high school fees).  

We believe that nothing happens by chance, only by God's providence.  We know other girls will come to us in much the same way as this girl did.  Those of you who support us each month, we just thank you so much.  Without you, we could not respond to such cases and give hope and a knowledge of forgiveness.  Please pray for funding so that we can meet this girl's needs and if you don't support us, consider helping us to be ready for the next emergency that comes our way.  The gratitude of these girls for their second chances is amazing.  We don't know the final outcomes yet, but with your help, we can give them the chance that may make an impact that we can't even imagine.  May you all be blessed.

Donate Today!

What does your donation do?

  • Give teenage mothers the opportunity to finish their education while learning the Word of God and how to be mothers
  • Give babies a safe place in which to grow
  • Remove vulnerable girls from dangerous conditions 
  • Sustain a farm which provides jobs and  feeds the girls and babies 
  • Share the gospel in the local community

100% of your donation funds the mission. 


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