August 2023 Mission Trip Episode 1

Aug 14, 2023

We are back in Kenya and this time with five wonderful people who traveled with us to meet the girls and babies at the center and to serve the nearby communities.  We are so excited to be back in our second home and share it with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We left U.S. on Thursday morning ,some of us at 9:30 a.m., and arrived in Kenya Friday morning at 11:20 a.m. Kenyan time.  Then we boarded a van to travel four hours to rest and pick up our rental cars for the next two weeks.  On Saturday, we traveled to Wiyumiririe, Kenya where we will stay for the next two weeks.  It was a long trip but we all survived pretty well.  We then went to Promise Springs Rescue Center to meet the girls and babies.  Oh what a day!  They were all so excited and blessed.   The new team members and the old were all impressed by these wonderful girls, just being happy, dancing and singing.

They also were the first to hear of our wonderful gift from God!  We have broken ground on our third dorm.  God sent a wonderful sponsor to us who wished to help.  When we kept telling her our current most pressing needs, we were told, "You don't understand...we want to give this much!"  We had been talking about what we were going to do to raise money for this third dorm and here, from the hand of God, someone stepped up. We had only met this person once and they wanted to donate almost the whole amount.  In this economy we will be short some funds, but it was the confirmation that we needed and we started to work, praying that we can complete the project in the early part of 2024!

It was a joyous afternoon and not a few tears were shed in pure awe of God's greatness.  

On Sunday, we attended church in Makutano at Kingdom Destiny Church.  We brought the girls out to attend, also.  They normally have church at the center but they love going out and worshiping with others.  We LOVE seeing them participate with the praise team.

Sunday afternoon, we went to the sites of the upcoming two days of medical outreach.  We worked out the set up of the different stations...blood pressure checks, blood sugars, provider consultation, reading glasses and food distribution.  We left feeling pretty good about how we had worked things out and did what every mission team does after dinner and a bit of discussion...we played UNO!

Today...we started at the hospital praying and assisting with a grandmother that had just lost her daughter.  The daughter passed away leaving her newborn son and four other children.  The grandmother was now responsible.  


We traveled to to the clinic location in Magutu, a small community where they live on less than $1 per day. We started the work we came to do but with one additional wonder...the girls at Promise Springs Rescue Center joined our team!  They worked all day right alongside of us and it was an awesome day.  It looked like this:

Blood Pressure Screening.

 Glucose Screening

Medical counseling.

Dispensing Reading Glasses.

Distributing food.

Loving our neighbors.

Thanking our security team.

And rewarding the girls for a job well done!

I don't even know how to end this blog except to say look for the next episode.  There are no words to explain the feeling of joy, unity and the presence of God when you step out to serve him.

Blessings and thank you to you all and all those who made this possible.

2023 August Mission Team and the girls of Promise Springs Rescue Center


Donate Today!

What does your donation do?

  • Give teenage mothers the opportunity to finish their education while learning the Word of God and how to be mothers
  • Give babies a safe place in which to grow
  • Remove vulnerable girls from dangerous conditions 
  • Sustain a farm which provides jobs and  feeds the girls and babies 
  • Share the gospel in the local community

100% of your donation funds the mission. 


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