Challenges, Victories, and Opportunities

Jun 22, 2023

It has been a while.  When we have been unusually silent, you can bet we have had unprecedented things going on at Promise Springs Rescue Center and we are trying to learn how to deal with them as they arise.  That can be difficult and time consuming from half a world away.  But we know that God is in control if we just listen and obey.  Sometimes we get a step ahead of Him or a step behind Him, but He is faithful in putting us on the right track again.


We have spoken often of the drought in Kenya.  We have been blessed by rains that have made a considerable difference in our farming project and the look of the land, Praise God.  We have green everywhere.  But even blessings bring problems.  You see, we never installed interior ceilings in any of the buildings.  We hadn't had rain, the temperature was normal and it was a very expensive project.  Note the ceiling in the the photo below.

But then we were blessed by rain.  With the rain came colder temperatures.  With the colder temperatures came sick babies.  There were also babies transitioning from sleeping with their moms to sleeping on their own as their moms have gone to vocational schools.  This increased the cold for them. We had 4 cases of pneumonia in about 3 months time.  During this time, in the entire region, there was an outbreak of gastroenteritis.  Imagine 15 babies with stomach issues and cloth diapers are the norm.  Also, no washing machines. Bless the hearts of all of our wonderful staff members who did not run away screaming.  

Next, we had three Form 4 (Senior) students starting their respective vocational schools.  This brought us to other new hurdles.  Our girls live out in the very rural areas of Kenya.  When some of them entered the cities, it was a real challenge.  They began to turn more to the worldly ways than to the ways of God.  We thought we had prepared them, but found that we were asking more than they were equipped to handle on their own.  So those are the challenges we have been dealing with, but God is the way maker and He showed up in miraculous ways.


We found that we now HAD to install interior ceilings in the dorms for warmth and to keep some of the damp air out.  We were in a time crunch as we didn't want other babies to become sick.  So we just spoke to a few people and God led a few people.  We managed to raise money to put interior ceilings in the dorms only.  We are told that all the girls are very happy and the dorms are warm.  

The rains brought challenges but they also bought blessings.  We had a great crop of onions that finally sold at a good rate of 40 shillings per kilogram.  That is about 40 cents.  The farmworkers all did a great job and this money goes back into the farm and pays their salaries.  We give thanks and are now planning to plant carrots and potatoes as our next cash crop.  This rotates the crops and helps the land to continue to be fertile.  This project also provides much needed jobs for local families.

We have started having more and more Christian teaching for the girls to better prepare them for their exit from the center into the real world.  We held a seminar in Kenya with knowledgeable speakers who volunteered to teach the girls.  Here in the U.S. we are writing lessons that are  sent to our staff.  They read them to the girls. Then they have discussions on what they have learned and how to apply it in the world. We want to fill them with good teaching about everyday challenges.  We want them to know their worth and that God loves them.  We want to fill them so that when they are squeezed by the challenges of the world good, Christian values come out.  

God gave us a very Christian family who agreed to let the one girl who was in a larger city and struggling the most live in a room behind their house and they counsel her and support her.  It has made a huge difference and allowed her to stay in a school of higher education.  

Our last victory is one we are very excited about.  In August a team from the U.S. is traveling to Kenya to serve the needy and share the Gospel.  It is a small team but God doesn't see numbers.  He sees the hearts of these people, willing to travel to a faraway land and share the love of Christ.  We will hold a three day medical camp, two days of vacation bible school, a day of home visitations and if funds are available reconstruct some houses that are in need of repair.  We are partnering with Christian Foundation Fellowship Church and Love In Action Missions who are partnering with people from Singapore.  What a picture...Americans, Kenyans, and Singaporeans all partnering together to show the love of Christ!


You may not be able to travel to Kenya to serve, but you still be a part of this team.  If you know one of the team members, commit to pray for them.  Pray for safe travels, health, their hearts that were willing to travel so far to show love to the less fortunate and share Christ, and their energy level as we have a lot packed into a two week time frame.  

Other needs: 

Funding to provide extra medical care to those who need treatment beyond what can be given in the field.  

Help with feeding hundreds of kids in vacation bible schools who may not receive another full meal in the course of the week.  

Funds for the food for visitation and the construction projects.  

You can donate from this website or mail a check to Two Burning Candles, P. O. Box 7932, Ocean Isle Beach, NC. 28469.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

We also need funds to complete the interior ceiling project.  We have done the two dorms and we need to install these ceilings in the all-purpose room and the early childhood development center.  The entire cost of the project is $4,224.00.  We have raised 2,350.00 to date.

Most importantly, we have some exciting upcoming project that we really need prayer over.  Please pray for God's guidance, leadership, and mercy on the staff of Promise Springs Rescue Center and Two Burning Candles.

May God Bless You All.

Psalm 96:3 "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!


Donate Today!

What does your donation do?

  • Give teenage mothers the opportunity to finish their education while learning the Word of God and how to be mothers
  • Give babies a safe place in which to grow
  • Remove vulnerable girls from dangerous conditions 
  • Sustain a farm which provides jobs and  feeds the girls and babies 
  • Share the gospel in the local community

100% of your donation funds the mission. 


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